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  • A reduction in health benefits for children and teens living in the cities
    Research conducted by a global coalition consisting of more than 1500 researchers and physicians has found that the healthy growth and development of children and adolescents’ that are living in cities has reduced across many parts of the world. This rese
About us

Who we are

The SAMRC was established in 1969 and is dedicated to improving the health of people in South Africa, through research, innovation, development, and technology transfer. The scope of research includes laboratory investigations, clinical research, and public health studies.


We conduct research on South Africa’s quadruple burden of disease: maternal, newborn and child health, HIV/AIDS and TB, non-communicable diseases, and interpersonal violence. Our work is to acquire evidence-based information to inform health policy and practice and improve the quality and health status of people in South Africa.

Vision & Mission

Building a healthy nation through research, innovation and transformation

To advance the nation’s health and quality of life and address inequity by conducting and funding relevant and responsive health research, capacity development, innovation and research translation

Press Releases, News Articles & Request for Applications

Latest News

SAMRC funding to boost TB research and accelerate capacity development at the University of Venda
Cape Town, South Africa | The South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC), through its Strategic Health Innovation Partnerships…
Committed to the reduction of fatalities resulting from Tuberculosis
Friday 24th March 2023 is World TB Day which is spearheaded by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The aim of World TB Day is to…
The SAMRC hosts 15 universities for Research Capacity Development
The South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC), through its Research Capacity Development (RCD) division, hosted more than 65…

Request for Applications

Muffin cotton candy tootsie roll fruitcake marshmallow candy brownie lollipop. Topping muffin gummie…
The Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases’ (GACD) funding call will focus on implementation research…

Event Calendar

What we offer

Our Services


9th SAMRC Scientific Merit Awards

Sahpra confirms death of a person after receiving J&J vaccine

Discussion | 9 in 10 cities breathe dirty air